Fisher Metal Detector 1225 X User Manual

Automatic Metal Detector  
Operating Manual  
F I S H E R R E S E A R C H L A B O R A T O R Y  
Your 1225-X was designed to do one thing well: find good, deep  
targets in trashy or mineralized soil with a minimal amount of hassle.  
Here’s how it does it...  
VLF-SLOW MOTION DISCRIMINATION. In the search mode, your  
1225-X will simultaneously ignore minerals and trash as it detects  
valuable targets. Unlike earlier motion discriminators, you won’t  
have to whip it back and forth but, you will have to keep it moving  
at least slightly.  
ZERO MOTION PINPOINTING. A push-button, all metal mode which  
requires no motion for fast, precise target location. Also referred  
to as “electronic pinpointing.”  
AUTOMATIC OPERATION. There’s no ground adjust control on  
your 1225-X. Just turn it on, set two knobs and go. It couldn’t be  
jargon meaning that you won’t have to listen to a “threshold  
tone” for maximum sensitivity. Your 1225-X operates so you can  
hear even the faintest signals on small deep targets.  
DOUBLE DERIVATIVE MOTION CIRCUITRY. Provides a target response  
as the search coil passes over the target. Earlier motion detectors  
responded AFTER the coil passed over the target. Protected by  
U.S. Patent 4,514,692.  
And of course, there’s more. Like the built in arm rest and  
detector stand. And, the drop-in, no-wires battery compartment.  
And, most importantly the depth! Your 1225-X goes deep. It all  
adds up to one great state of the art metal detector. Treat it as  
you would any fine instrument and you’ll be rewarded with years  
of service and who knows how many treasures. If you have any  
questions, suggestions or interesting 1225-X stories, drop us a line.  
In the meantime...  
Happy Hunting!  
Fisher Research Laboratory  
The 1225-X comes to you just about ready to use. The only  
adjustment required is the angle of the search coil. Take a look  
at Figure 1 and familiarize yourself with the parts of the 1225-X  
before proceeding.  
1. Unpack your new 1225-X carefully. Save the  
carton and inserts they may come in handy in the  
future for storage or shipment.  
2. Slip the lower stem into the upper stem.  
3. Adjust the stem length (using the locknut) and  
the coil angle (using the nylon wing nut) so that the  
search coil rests flat on the ground about 6 inches in  
front and slightly to the right of your right foot (to the  
left of your left of your left foot for left handers).  
Your arm should be straight and relaxed, the grip  
held loosely.  
REMEMBER: The longer the shaft, the more you will  
have to bend your elbow and the sooner your arm  
will get tired. The 1225-X is balanced for comfortable  
searching in a tight semicircle around the front of  
the operator.  
4. With the stem length properly adjusted, wind the  
cable loosely around the upper and lower stems  
and connect the cable connector to the control  
CAUTION: Make sure that the cable is not pulled tight  
at the control housing and that you have enough  
slack at the search coil to adjust it to any angle.  
5. With the shaft length and coil angle properly  
adjusted, you should be able to move into your  
“search” position by leaning forward very slightly  
and raising your arm (still straight) until the search  
coil is about 1 inch above the ground and 12 inches  
in front of your foot. The search coil should be  
parallel to the ground and may have to be slightly  
readjusted at this point.  
Battery Access  
(not shown)  
Waterproof Search Coil  
Search Coil  
Cable Connector  
(not shown)  
Control Housing  
Hand Grip  
Cable Strain Relief  
Nylon Wing Nut  
Padded Arm Rest  
Lock Nut  
Lower Stem  
Upper Stem  
Figure 1. Fisher 1225-X  
Straight arm, grip not  
too tight, search coil  
close to and parallel to  
the ground. Remember,  
as you increase the  
shaft length, you also  
increase the strain on  
your wrist and arm.  
Figure 2. Search Position  
1. DISC: This control turns the power on and  
automatically tunes the 1225-X for instant operation.  
All types of metal are detected at the zero level  
while the most pieces of trash are rejected at ten.  
The DISC control has no effect when the PINPOINT  
button is pushed in.  
2. SENS: Normally set at ten, this control adjusts the  
1225-X sensitivity to targets and ground minerals.  
The higher the setting, the deeper you’ll detect.  
However you will also pick up more false signals  
in highly mineralized or trashy soil. In the extreme  
counterclockwise position this control doubles as a  
battery test. A loud tone indicates good batteries.  
A faint tone indicates weak batteries and no tone  
means that it’s time for a change.  
3. HEADPHONES: This jack accepts most stereo and  
mono headphones with quarter-inch diameter  
plugs. If you use a stereo/ mono headset, make sure  
it’s switched into the “stereo” position.  
4. PINPOINT: When pushed and held, this button  
switches the 1225-X into the Zero-Motion, All-Metal  
Pinpointing mode.  
Figure 3. Control  
Panel. Two knobs  
and a button do  
it all.  
By adjusting the DISC (“Discrimination”) control, you will be  
able to ignore or (“reject”) small pieces of metallic target trash  
and ground minerals while detecting valuable targets. The  
lowest setting at which an object is rejected is reffered to as its  
“discrimination point.” Discrimination points are determined by  
such factors as size, shape, depth, type of metal and ground  
1. Scatter some sample targets such as coins, pull  
tabs and small pieces of foil on the ground 1 to 2  
feet apart.  
2. Turn the 1225-X on by turning the DISC control to  
3. Set the SENS control to 8.  
4. Hold the search coil in the air, away from any  
metal objects and check the batteries as explained  
in the Control Function section (sensitivity control).  
5. Hold the search coil in the air about 2 inches  
above and parallel to the ground. Move it slowly  
over the samples and note the sharp loud response  
as you pass over each one. Keep in mind that the  
1225-X is a motion detector in the DISC mode and  
responds only when the search coil (or the target)  
is moving.  
6. Increase the DISC control to a setting of 3 and  
again pass over the targets. Repeat this process at  
settings of 4, 5, 6 and so on to 10. You will note that  
as you increase the level of discrimination, the 1225-X  
will reject some targets and continue to respond to  
others. You have now determined the discrimination  
points for the rejected objects. For example, the  
small nail discrimination point may be at 3 and the  
pull tab discrimination at 7.  
7. Some objects such as shallow bottle caps, bent  
pull tabs or trash less than 2 inches from the coil may  
be difficult to reject. The 1225-X will instead respond  
with a broken signal which will usually disappear if  
the search coil is raised slightly. The strong signal of  
a good target will usually get weaker when the coil  
is raised.  
8. Some objects will cause sharp static or “ticking”  
when rejected. This is a perfectly normal response  
indicating that the powerful discrimination circuitry  
of the 1225-X is doing the job.  
9. Large pieces of trash such as beer cans or jar lids  
may sound like a good target no matter what you  
do. With a little practice however, you will be able  
to tell the difference between a large target and a  
small coin-sized object.  
10. The following chart shows some different target  
responses you may expect at different levels of  
discrimination. Note that as you increase the  
discrimination level, you progressively eliminate more  
targets including some good ones, such as nickels  
and gold rings.  
Note: The discrimination levels shown are typical values only and  
may vary from detector to detector.  
Figure 4. Discrimination. Typical 1225-X audion responses for 2-inch deep  
targets with search coil sweeping 1 to 2 inches above ground.  
Now comes the fun part - if you follow a few simple rules.  
Good search techniques are every bit as important as a good  
1. The 1225-X has two operating modes. The “Search”  
mode is activated simply be turning the unit on.  
This is a “VLF-Motion Discrimination” mode which  
automatically ignores most ground minerals, rejects  
junk and works only when the search coil is moving.  
The “Pinpoint” mode is activated by depressing the  
PINPOINT button and will be explained later.  
2. Adjust your SENS control. Only experience will tell  
you how much sensitivity to use in any given situation  
but start out at 8.  
As a general rule, turn your sensitivity down to reduce  
excessive false signals caused by highly mineralized  
ground interference caused by power lines, radio  
stations, etc. Turn it up if you want the deepest,  
smallest targets and you’re willing to put up with a  
few more false signals.  
3. Decide how much discrimination you want to  
a. In relatively non-trashy soil use a low level of  
discrimination (2 for example). In this manner the  
1225-X will detect all metal targets within its range  
and you can instantly increase the discrimination  
for further identification.  
b. In trashy areas you will probably want to operate  
at a high level of discrimination (6 for example)  
to cut down on the amount of time you spend  
digging bad targets.  
4. Keep the search coil moving at a comfortable  
rate. Remember that the 1225-X is a motion detector  
and responds only when the search coil (or the  
target) is moving while in search mode.  
5. Keep the coil parallel to, and as close to the  
ground as practical. This is important for maximum  
coverage and depth. If you are hunting on a lawn  
you can set the coil right on the grass and search.  
6. Overlap your sweeps approximately 50%.  
7. Search in a methodical manner sweeping in a  
tight semicircle. Pay close attention to where you’re  
going and where you’ve been.  
8. TAKE YOUR TIME. If you walk too fast you can’t  
overlap your sweeps and you’ll miss a lot of  
If you sweep too fast, you’ll lose sensitivity and miss  
the faint tone which will disappear as soon as the  
coil is raised.  
9. The diagram below shows the search coil  
detection pattern and how it is affected by sweep  
speed, discrimination level and overlapping sweeps  
in the Search mode.  
Figure 5. “sweeping”  
the search coil. Keep  
the search coil parallel  
and close to the  
ground at all times  
The pinpoint mode requires no tuning, no motion, detects  
all metals and in normal soil it’s even more sensitive than the  
search mode. Precise target location is a snap.  
1. Once the presence of a buried target is  
identified by the “beep beep” of the 1225-X,  
simply place the coil lightly on the ground away  
from the target area. Push the PINPOINT button  
and hold. (At maximum sensitivity you may hear a  
faint tone which will disappear as soon as the coil  
is raised.)  
2. Raise the coil one-half inch or so and move  
it from side to side across the target area a few  
3. Stop the search coil over the spot you receive  
the loudest response.  
4. Now move the coil slowly forward and back a  
couple of times, again stopping over the strongest  
5. Move the coil side to side one more time and  
stop over the strongest signal once again. Your  
target should be in the center of the search coil.  
6. For quick and accurate pinpointing of strong  
signals, place the coil on the ground very close  
to the target and push and hold the PINPOINT  
button. You have now “tuned-out” most of the  
target signal so that when you raise the coil for  
pinpointing you will only receive a response  
directly over or very nearly over the target.  
Pinpointing in the search mode will take a little practice but  
you may find that for most targets, it’s even quicker than the Zero  
Motion Pinpointing Mode. Simply use the same procedure as in  
steps 2 through 5 above. The only difference will be that when  
you stop the coil over the target you will lose the audio signal.  
You must keep the coil moving at least slightly to determine the  
location of the strongest signal before you stop it.  
1. For very strong signals, you may improve your  
motion mode pinpointing accuracy by adding  
one or more of the following steps:  
a. Lift the coil until the signal is just barely heard.  
b. Reduce the sensitivity level.  
c. Increase the discrimination level.  
d. Rest the coil on the ground and move it back  
and forth very slowly.  
2. For very weak signals try the following:  
a. Move the coil closer to the ground.  
b. Increase the sensitivity level.  
c. Decrease the discrimination level.  
d. Speed up the sweep rate slightly.  
When the stem length is  
properly adjusted, the 1225-  
X is balanced for sweeping  
in a tight semicircle. Always  
overlap your sweeps by at  
least 50% or you’ll miss a lot  
of the deeper targets.  
Once you have pinpointed a target, your objective is  
to recover it quickly and neatly, leaving no trace of your  
excavation. There are almost as many ways to do this as there  
are Treasure Hunters. Whatever works for you is good enough as  
long as you don’t break any laws, damage vegetation, or leave  
your search area looking like a World War II battlefield.  
Generally speaking, beachcombers do little if any damage to  
the environment while recovering targets. However, if you plan  
to use your 1225-X on lawns or in parks, your target recovery  
method can be very important. Two of the most successful  
methods are illustrated in a separate booklet enclosed with your  
- Search Mode -  
1. Minimum Depth  
a. Very slow or fast sweep speed.  
b. Discrimination set at “10.”  
2. Good Depth  
a. Moderate sweep speed.  
b. Discrimination set at “5.”  
3. Maximum Depth  
a. Moderate sweep speed.  
b. Discrimination set at “0.”  
4. Missed Target  
Many targets within the range of  
your 1225-X will not be  
detected unless you closely overlap  
your swings.  
Figure 7. Search Coil Pattern  
Depth is also determined by the size, shape and material of  
the target as well as the degree of ground mineralization and  
sensitivity setting.  
1. A heavy duty, blunt screwdriver is commonly used  
by expert Treasure Hunters.  
2. A sturdy hunting knife with a 5” blade will do the job  
in most soils. A high quality double-edged “survival”  
knife is an even better (and more expensive) choice  
since it will be almost impossible to bend or break.  
CAUTION: Using a pocket knife without a blade lock  
is a good way to lose a finger!  
3. A narrow garden trowel will work in loose or wet soil.  
4. Several excellent digging tools are made just for  
the Treasure Hunter and especially designed sand  
scoops are available for beachcombing. Check  
with your local dealer.  
5. A thin, dull probe is the preferred tool for precise  
target location.  
1. We’ve already said it but it bears repeating: TAKE  
2. Use good headphones. You won’t miss faint  
targets, you won’t attract unwanted attention and  
you won’t bother others.  
3. Practice pinpointing. There’s nothing sacred  
about the methods described in this manual. Many  
1225-X users have developed their own pinpointing  
4. Always bury a coin when working in unfamiliar  
territory and check it at different discrimination and  
sensitivity levels. There may be some sensitivity loss  
at higher levels of discrimination. The greater the  
ground mineralization, the higher the sensitivity loss.  
For example, you may be able to detect a penny at  
6 inches deep at zero discrimination, but no deeper  
than 4 inches at the pull-tab discrimination point.  
5. The 1225-X is an easy detector to use but if you’re  
having trouble with any aspect of its operation  
(pinpointing, searching, false signals, etc.) go back  
and reread the part of this manual relating to your  
6. If a target gives a strong reponse in the search  
mode, but no response in the pinpoint mode, you  
may have “tuned out” your target (and all others)  
by pushing the pinpoint button over another piece  
of metal. If you suspect this may be the case, move  
the search coil to another spot before pressing the  
pinpoint button again.  
7. When in doubt about the possible identity of a  
target, dig it up.  
A “false signal” occurs when something that shouldn’t,  
sounds like a good target. Your 1225-X does an excellent job  
of ignoring junk but it’s so sensitive to good targets that it can  
be fooled by bad targets with similar electrical characteristics.  
Large pieces of trash for example, or even some kind of bottle  
caps and pull tabs. Small pieces of trash less than 2 inches from  
the search coil will also sound good occasionally.  
So what do you do about false signals? Well, 90% of them will  
sound suspicious to you after you’ve had some experience and  
you’ll just ignore them. They may be very faint or very abrupt  
with static. Often when you go back over the same spot, a false  
signal will simply disappear. Other false signals may be very loud  
and sharp but most of these will disappear if the coil is speeded  
up or raised slightly. Some shallow, large or irregular pieces of  
junk however, will fool the 1225-X no matter what you do. Here’s  
some other sources of false signals and what to do about them:  
1. DETECTOR INTERFERENCE: Caused by nearby  
metal detectors operating at the same (or close)  
SOLUTIONS: Move further away or reduce  
stations, power lines, etc.  
SOLUTION: Move further away, lower the  
sensitivity, reduce sweep speed. Wrap the search  
coil cable tightly around the stem.  
3. HIGHLY MINERALIZED SOIL: Usually causes  
constant static or good target sounds. SOLUTIONS:  
Lower the sensitivity, increase the discrimination.  
Raise the search coil until false signals disappear  
and sweep at that height.  
4. WET SAND: Same as highly mineralized soil.  
beeps very close together and can’t find either  
one, you’re probably over a nail or some other  
long iron object. But a very shallow coin or a coin  
on edge will give the same response.  
SOLUTIONS: In all cases, the target will be  
between the beeps, or if you sweep at right  
angles to your original direction, you’ll receive  
a single beep directly over the target (except  
for the very shallow coin). One way to tell the  
difference between a coin and a nail is to set  
your discrimination at about 5. Most small nails will  
be tuned out while most coins will respond with a  
good, smooth signal.  
6. EXTREMELY TRASHY SOIL: May result in a constant  
chatter or “snap, crackle and pop” with assorted,  
hard-to-find good signals.  
SOLUTIONS: Increase the discrimination level. An  
even better solution is to try the optional 5 inch  
coil. You’ll be able to zero in on good targets  
much closer to junk.  
7. DIGGING TOOL: If you’re carrying a metal  
digging tool in one hand, your 1225-X may sound  
off each time you swing the coil beneath it.  
SOLUTIONS: Hold it behind your back or up above  
your waist.  
False signals may also occur in the Zero Motion  
Pinpointing mode. When in this mode the 1225-X  
detects all metals so you may pinpoint a piece  
of nearby junk instead of a good target. For this  
reason, you should always recheck your target  
area after recovering any target to insure that you  
haven’t missed anything.  
You may also receive false pinpointing signals in  
highly mineralized soil. In this case, it is important to  
keep the coil parallel to the ground and at least  
an inch above it.  
Two nine volt transistor batteries are located in separate  
compartments at the rear of the housing. When it’s time to replace  
batteries, always replace both of them.  
1. To open, press gently down and out on the battery  
door latch. The doors are hinged, do not attempt  
to completely remove them.  
2. Tilt the housing gently and the batteries will slide  
3. Insert the new batteries. Make sure the contact  
end goes in first and that you match the polarity  
markings on the control housing.  
4. To close, hook the lower edge of the battery door  
over the inside of the battery compartment and  
gently push.  
5. Some battery brands may be slightly larger than  
the original batteries, which will cause them to not  
easily be removed.  
Battery Replacement is simple; just pop the doors open,  
slide the old batteries out and the new ones in.  
Figure 8. Battery Replacement  
Your 1225-X doesn’t require a lot of care, but there are a few  
things you should do to keep it in peak operating condition.  
1. If you’re not going to be using it for awhile, take  
the batteries out. Acid damage caused by leaking  
batteries can be severe.  
2. Avoid extreme temperatures like the inside of a  
closed car sitting in the sun. Even worse, inside the  
trunk of a car.  
3. If you “scrub” the search coil on the ground, you’ll  
eventually wear through the bottom. Replacement  
coils are expensive. Instead, invest in a coil cover.  
4. Put a plastic bag over the control housing if you’re  
hunting in rain, fog or dust.  
5. Keep your 1225-X dry and clean. Wipe off the  
lower stem before sliding into the upper stem and  
keep the lock nut threads free of sand and dirt.  
Laws governing the use of metal detectors are becoming  
more and more common. In many countries, the use of metal  
detectors is illegal or severely restricted. Don’t let this happen in  
your area.  
ALWAYS get permission to hunt on private property.  
ALWAYS leave a site cleaner than you found it. Take at least  
some trash with you or, if you can, take it all.  
ALWAYS fill in your holes neatly whether you’re in a city park  
or remote wildernessness. Leave the land as it was before you  
disturbed it.  
ALWAYS obey all laws relating to Treasure Hunting.  
ALWAYS return valuable property if you can locate the original  
ALWAYS do whatever you can to give the hobby of Treasure  
Hunting the good image it needs and deserves.  
Where To Use Your Metal Detector In The U.S.  
National Forest and Federal Lands—Metal detecting is allowed  
only by special permit acquired from the federal government.  
Each area has a district office.  
Corps of Engineers, Lakes, Shorelines and Lands—Permission has  
been granted only on predisturbed sites, such as beaches and  
attached swimming areas. New Corps lakes and lands must be  
okayed by the main office of the Army Corps of Engineers. Each  
area has a district office.  
State Parks and Lands—Some state parks are open to metal  
detecting, but some are not. Always check with the park ranger  
before attempting to use your detector.  
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Lands—Some areas are  
open for metal detecting, and some are not. Always check with  
the district office.  
City or County Park Lands—Most are open to metal detecting  
unless notice is given by a sign or city ordinance. When in doubt,  
always check with the city’s Parks and Recreation Department.  
Public School Grounds—Most are open to metal detecting  
unless notice is given by a sign, city ordinance, law enforcement  
official, or school employee. You should always check with the  
school office first.  
Privately Owned Lands (Private Property)—Permission required.  
And it is always best to have the permission in writing.  
Historically Marked Lands or Sites—Metal detecting is not  
allowed. Don’t even think about it.  
Length ............................... Extended...........................................55”  
Weight ...............................................................................3.1 Pounds  
Frequency......................... VLF Search ..................................5.5 kHz  
Audio Target Response .............495 Hz  
Operating Modes............. Search ..........VLF All-Metal, No-Motion  
Search Coil........................ Type ................. Concentric, Co-Planar  
Diameter ..........................................................................................8”  
Shielding......................................................................... Electrostatic  
Waterproof Search Coil................................................................Yes  
Automatic Tuning .........................................................................Yes  
Automatic Ground Rejection......................................................Yes  
Built-In Arm Rest and Detector Stand.........................................Yes  
Stereo Headphone Jack..............................................................Yes  
Batteries.....................................................................................2 (9 V)  
Battery Life Carbon Zinc................................................. 20-30 Hours  
Alkaline............................................................................. 40-50 Hours  
1. Subject to improvement or modification without notice.  
2. Approximate.  
3. Pulsegate Unipolar Audio Processing. Advanced Fisher circuitry which allows silent  
operation below “audio threshold tone” with no loss in sensitivity.  
4. The 1225-X is a “motion” detector while in the search mode. The search coil must  
be moving at least slightly to detect a target.  
5. Electro-Static-Insulated to eliminate certain types of false signals.  
6. Use of headphones may increase battery life up to 100%.  
Fisher detectors are renowned for their quality.  
In the Fisher tradition, each detector is hand crafted with pride  
Treasure Hunters worldwide rely on Fisher.  
Our detectors are durable, dependable, and search deeper..  
Fisher produced the first patented metal detector in 1931. For  
over 70 years, the Fisher logo has been a mark of excellence.  
Fisher believes in the products we produce and backs this belief  
with a lifetime warranty, the best in the industry, on all of our  
consumer detectors. Warranty may vary outside of the  
United States. See your dealer for details  
Fisher is committed to providing you, our valued customer, with  
superior service. Each and every instrument is rigidly tested and  
carefully inspected during assembly and before shipment.  
Should you have any questions or problems, contact:  
200 West Willmott Road.,  
Los Banos, California 93635  
Tel 209.826.3292 Fax 209.826.0416  
280 State Street, Suite 202  
North Haven, CT 06473 USA  
Tel 203.230.4130 Fax 203.248.8093  
email: fi[email protected]  

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